Confidence Bundle:
7 books

I Am An Adventurer, Artist & Athlete: A Coloring Book for Girls
This book was created to inspire girls to see themselves in a positive light and take pride in the things they do every day!

I Am Creative: A Coloring Book for Girls
This book was created to help girls explore their creativity.

Think Brave! A Coloring & Drawing Adventure
This 32-page book is filled with illustrations and drawing prompts designed to show girls how strong and courageous they truly are.

I Am Confident, Brave & Beautiful: A Project Book
This interactive hardcover book was designed to lift girls up! This project book invites girls to share their own stories of courage, kindness and more.

Science! STEM Sticker Adventure
This fun sticker book is packed with over 150 stickers that will empower girls to ask questions, seek answers and explore the natural world. Read more about Science! STEM Sticker Adventure.

Outdoor Sports Sticker Adventure
This book was designed to encourage girls to be courageous and bold. Over 150 stickers show girls that they can do anything—even climb mountains! Read more about Outdoor Sports Sticker Adventure.

I'm Me! Sketchbook
This blank sketchbook was designed to encourage girls to look inward and see how amazing they truly are! This book is meant to help girls explore their strength, creativity and individuality as only they can through their own unique works of art.
7 Parent Guides

Each book comes with a companion guide, designed to encourage connection and boost confidence!
3 Digital Downloads and 1 Self-love Challenge

Daily Journal
This easy one-page downloadable journal prompts girls to reflect on how they felt, things they tried, what they're thankful for, and more.

Weekly Planner
This downloadable weekly planner was designed to help girls stay organized, motivated and inspired.

Rewards Chart
This downloadable rewards chart is a fun and fully customizable way to track her progress.

This self-paced 10-day challenge was designed to help mothers and daughters practice self-love and self-compassion.
2 E-books and 1 Gift Guide

Strong Girls: A Parent's Guide to Building Confidence & Bravery with Outdoor Adventures

Empowering Granddaughters: Activities for Girls and the Grandmothers Who Love Them

Empowering Gifts for Girls
These online gift guides feature our favorite books and toys for girls age 0 through 12.
I Am Confident, Brave & Beautiful lifts girls up with positive sayings and doodles.
Science! STEM Sticker Adventure introduces girls to 7 scientific disciplines with 150+ stickers.
Think Brave! uses immersive drawing prompts to help girls visualize being brave.
Outdoor Sports Sticker Adventure introduces girls to bravery- and confidence-building sports.