Go Rafting! How To Introduce Girls To The Rapids
Go Rafting! How To Introduce Girls To The Rapids

Are you and your child craving a little rafting adventure? There’s nothing like shooting down the rapids to get your hearts racing!
Not only is rafting a chance to enjoy being together in the great outdoors, it’s also an exhilarating sport that can be enjoyed by the whole family. Read on for top tips on how to plan a fun trip you’ll never forget!
Not only is rafting a chance to enjoy being together in the great outdoors, it’s also an exhilarating sport that can be enjoyed by the whole family. Read on for top tips on how to plan a fun trip you’ll never forget!
Why girls will love rafting
How often does your child get to take risks and scare herself just a little bit? Rafting is a great way to ease kids (and adults!) out of their comfort zone.
Rafting is also great exercise and it’s exhilarating! Just watch her thrill as you pick up the pace down the rapids.
Rafting also requires teamwork and great communication skills. Need an opportunity to get your family working together? Rafting could be the answer!
Rafting is also great exercise and it’s exhilarating! Just watch her thrill as you pick up the pace down the rapids.
Rafting also requires teamwork and great communication skills. Need an opportunity to get your family working together? Rafting could be the answer!
Where you can go rafting
Unless you are a seasoned rafter, start off with an accompanied trip. That way you can relax and enjoy the experience and leave the hard work of directing everyone to the experts.
Choose an age-appropriate route. Generally, babies and toddlers are safest on rivers with no more than class-I rapids. Elementary-aged kids can usually cope with class II and III.
For information on rafting routes in your area, check out American Whitewater’s River Database.
Choose an age-appropriate route. Generally, babies and toddlers are safest on rivers with no more than class-I rapids. Elementary-aged kids can usually cope with class II and III.
For information on rafting routes in your area, check out American Whitewater’s River Database.
Top tips for your first rafting experience
- Even the strongest of swimmers should wear a PFD (Personal Floatation Device) while on the river. Make sure you all wear the correct PFD for your weight.
- Plan on a ratio of 1 adult for every child until you are experienced.
- Take along spare clothes in a dry bag, and wear UV protective clothing and sunscreen.
- Practice what to do if someone falls in. Teach kids to assume the “swimmers position” with feet pointed downstream and let their PFD take the strain.
For detailed information on rafting, take a look at American Whitewater’s website.
Get your heart racing with a fun rafting adventure!
Get your heart racing with a fun rafting adventure!
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