Nature Craft for Kids: Nature Clay Impressions
april 25TH, 2023

Spending time outside and making crafts are both great self-care tools for girls. This fun craft combines both of those things while allowing for creativity at the same time! Get outside, enjoy the spring sunshine, and see what fun objects you can find to create these clay impressions.

Here’s what you’ll need:

- White modeling clay
- Small rolling pin or water bottle with a smooth surface
- Nature objects (whatever you find: leaves, flowers, pine cones, etc.)
- Watercolor paints
- Paintbrush
- String
How To Make Your Clay Impressions
Step 1: Take a nature walk and collect a few smaller items you want to make an impression of. We are using leaves, pine needles, small rocks, and a stick.
Step 2: Grab a chunk of clay that fits nicely into the palm of your hand. If you want to make a larger impression, use a bit more clay. Warm it up by rolling it into a ball.

Step 3: Flatten your clay ball out a little bit, then use your rolling pin or water bottle to roll out your clay. You can make your impressions into different shapes based on what you collected on your nature walk.

Step 4: Place your nature item onto the clay and push it down. You can also lightly roll it into the clay to get more details.

Step 5: Pull the nature item up and off the clay. You can use tweezers to remove delicate items like leaves. Then make a hole at the top to run a piece of string through at the end.

Step 6: Let your impressions dry overnight. The next day use your paints to add color and detail to your impression.

Step 7: Put a string through the hole and tie it at the top. You can now easily hang your impression once it’s finished.

Hang up your impressions at home, share them with friends and family, or start a special collection that can be added to each season. The options are endless!