KidBiz Idea: Popsicle Stick Wall Hangings
MAY 14th, 2024

We’re celebrating the launch of our new illustrated fiction book Hopscotch Girls Presents: Mia Madison, CEO by sharing this DIY product idea. These popsicle stick wall hangings are a fun craft project and could make a great first product to be sold by a kid business! Girls can make a bunch of them to sell at a stand or take custom orders from family and friends. Because this project requires minimal supplies, the start-up costs are low too. You might even have what you need on hand!

Here’s what you’ll need:

• 8 Popsicle sticks
• 2-3 different colored yarn
• Sharpies
• Scissors
• 2-3 different colored yarn
• Sharpies
• Scissors
How to make Popsicle Stick Wall Hangings:
Step 1: Decorate one side of each popsicle stick. We used a black Sharpie to draw simple shapes and doodles, and then added some color details later.

Step 2: Make eight tassels with the yarn. Cut yarn into 15-inch pieces. Each tassel will need 8 pieces of yarn.

Step 3: Group the yarn pieces together in groups of eight. In our group of eight, we did four pink pieces, four purple, one yellow, and one white.

Step 4: Choose a popsicle stick that will be your bottom piece. Take a group of yarn and wrap it around the popsicle stick. Tie a knot to secure the tassel around the popsicle stick. Repeat this step for each tassel.

Step 5: Cut two extra long pieces of yarn the same length. We did an arm’s length. This will be used to tie the remaining sticks together and you will need it long enough to hang.

Step 6: Lay the popsicle stick with the tassels down and tie the extra long pieces on each end of the stick. Make sure the designs you drew are facing down. We folded our extra-long pieces in half before tying them to the stick.

Step 7: Put the next stick down and tie each side with a double knot. Repeat for each popsicle stick.

Step 8: Once all the popsicle sticks are attached, bring both sides of the yarn together to form a triangle and tie a knot. Then you can trim the yarn as needed and add any finishing touches.

Remember to encourage your budding kid-trepreneur to map out her business costs and time investment to determine a fair price for her product. She can also create a marketing plan to figure out how she will let others know about her business. Our free downloadable kid business tools make starting a kid business a snap!