Easy Thanksgiving-Themed Craft: Gratitude Bracelets

Now that we’re well into the fall season, it’s the perfect time to reflect on all the wonderful things you’re grateful for. Making a gratitude bracelet is the perfect way for girls to practice gratitude while expressing their creativity. This DIY project is surprisingly simple, but it’s loads of fun! We have a feeling that after you make your first bracelet, you’ll want to make another.
Gratitude Bracelet Supplies

- Stretch cord
- Alphabet beads
- Pony beads
- Tape
- Scissors
How to Make Your Gratitude Bracelets
Step 1: Wrap some stretch cord around your wrist to see how much to cut. Be sure to leave enough extra cord to tie the bracelet.

Step 2: Place your beads beside the string so you can get the arrangement just how you’d like before stringing the beads on the stretch cord.

Step 3: Tape one end of the stretch cord to your table so that you can easily string the cord with beads.

Step 4: String each bead onto the stretch cord. We chose “grateful for fun” as our message of gratitude. Feel free to substitute the word “fun” with family, friends, books, or anything at all that you’re thankful to have.

Step 5: Secure your gratitude bracelet with three knots, so it won’t come undone. Be sure to pull very tight.

Step 6: Trim away any excess cord and enjoy your new bracelet!

Now you have a one-of-a-kind piece of jewelry that is perfect for the season of gratitude! We had such a great time crafting our gratitude bracelet, and we hope you did too.