DIY Fluffy Slime

This easy slime recipe will keep your daughter busy for hours, and it even allows her to add a touch of creativity to make the slime unique to her. DIY slime is a great go-to activity for a cold or rainy day indoors, playdates, or just a fun after-school activity to unwind. Playing with slime is a tactile experience that encourages the use of many senses, so it’s a great way to destress or calm down too!

Here’s what you’ll need:

• ½ cup Elmer’s Glue
• 1 cup Shaving Cream
• 4 oz saline solution
• Mixing bowl
• Spoon or rubber spatula
• Food coloring
• Glitter/confetti (optional)
• 1 cup Shaving Cream
• 4 oz saline solution
• Mixing bowl
• Spoon or rubber spatula
• Food coloring
• Glitter/confetti (optional)
How To Make A Slime:
Step 1: Measure out ½ cup of glue.

Step 2: Pour the glue into the mixing bowl.

Step 3: Add 2-3 drops of food coloring to the glue and mix it in.

Step 4: If you want to add a little sparkle to your slime, go ahead and add a little bit of glitter to the glue. We used about 2 tablespoons.

Step 5: Add 1 cup of shaving cream into the mix. Give it a good shake before adding it in.

Step 6: As you mix in the shaving cream, slowly add in the saline solution a little bit at a time. It’s important to use saline solution with boric acid. This is what helps hold the slime together.

Step 7: Continue to stir the mixture until it does not stick to the bowl anymore. Add more shaving cream or saline as needed. (We wouldn’t add any more glue as that will make it too sticky.)

Step 8: If the mixture is too sticky, you can add a little more saline solution to it. Ours was really sticky! We ended up using the whole 4oz bottle of saline solution. Exact measurements do not have to be perfect as each mixture will need something different. Once you can knead the slime with your fingers, you are ready to play!

You can also try dividing the batch of slime into parts and using different colors or mix-ins for each one. Store the slime in an airtight container and save it for another day!