Why coloring is good for stress reduction

Coloring can help kids open up

Depending on the age of your child, coloring may relax them enough to open up and talk to you about what is causing their stress. This can be beneficial in helping them find some long-term solutions.
For example, if they had an argument with a friend or a sibling, opening up about it could lead to a conversation about compromise and seeing things from other people's perspectives. If they are feeling down about getting poor grades on an exam, opening up could lead to a productive conversation about study habits. Having your child calm their mind and reflect while coloring may allow them to feel like they are ready to talk out their problems.
Kids are still learning how to cope with stress and manage their emotions. While adults have many options for coping with stress, it can be difficult to find something age appropriate for girls that will allow them to self-soothe while having fun.
Coloring is an activity that girls of all ages can enjoy. Whether your daughter is 4 years old or 16 years old, coloring is a therapeutic activity that allows girls to process and work through their feelings. The next time your daughter is feeling stressed, try pulling out some inspirational coloring books and crayons and spending some quality time with her. You may be surprised at how much better she feels afterward!