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Upcycling for girls: turning trash to treasure

How to introduce girls to upcycling
It can be tricky to keep kids indoors, away from screens and still get them engaged. But with the help of some empty cans or other found items, you can create some crafty upcycled pieces with your daughter!
Why upcycling is good for girls
Aside from being an environmentally friendly leisure time activity, Upcycling is one of the few art forms that will actually help you save money. Upcycling projects are a fun and affordable way to introduce girls to the concept of environmental protection.
Since upcycled materials aren’t conventionally used for arts and crafts, she’ll get to think outside the box to figure out what to create from those things. Upcycling is also a chance to practice problem-solving because upcycled items are often used as substitutes for everyday items.
What is upcycling?
Upcycling is the art of creating something useful and decorative out of old or discarded material. It’s a great way of reducing the amount of waste we produce with the power of creativity.
How to get started
One way or another, most people have engaged in some form of upcycling but if your daughter is a total newbie to the subject, you’re going to have to start simple. Starting with complex projects might discourage her, because then it’s more work than it is fun.
Plan ahead. Guide her to prepare thoroughly for the work she’s about to undertake. Although it’s great if she knows how the project will turn out, it’s okay if she doesn’t too. Afterall, there’s beauty in spontaneity!
If she’s got some old clothes that are torn or too worn out to donate, ask her to help you turn them into cushion covers. Velvet would work great for this, plus, it’s an amazing opportunity to introduce her to sewing if she hasn’t got a clue how to.
What you need
When it comes to upcycling, there are endless possibilities. Common tools like a pair of scissors, some pencils, a ruler and some glue can be all you need for an upcycling project.
Upcycling Ideas for girls
Baby Clothes Quilt
Sunglass Photo Frames
Creating these photo frames out of old sunglasses is super easy, and if your daughter isn’t in the mood for some stitching, this is a great alternative for the aforementioned projects.
This baby clothes quilt is a stellar way of upcycling fabrics and preserving some of those relics. They’re a great trip down memory lane, and you can even tell her some cute stories surrounding some of those clothes. Let the whole family join in on the fun, everyone gets their pieces to quit!
Egg Carton CraftsThere are a ton of fun crafts you can do with egg cartons! They work really well for little girls too. Check out this list of 50 fun project ideas.
Creating these photo frames out of old sunglasses is super easy, and if your daughter isn’t in the mood for some stitching, this is a great alternative for the aforementioned projects.
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