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Scrapbooking: The art of preserving memories

How to introduce girls to scrapbooking
Scrapbooking is a fun way for girls to keep precious mementoes. It’s an extremely creative way of remembering past moments and people, plus, going through one makes for a great trip down memory lane!
Why scrapbooking is great for girls
The aim of creating a scrapbook is to hold on to memories dear to you while expressing your creativity too! It’s a simple art form and scrapbooking is a great way for a girl to express her artistic abilities.
Scrapbooking brings a sense of accomplishment. Flipping through the pages of a scrapbook will make her feel joyful and purposeful, serving as a self-esteem and confidence boost.
Creating the book and telling her own life story can also enhance her storytelling skills!
What is scrapbooking?
Scrapbooking is a craft that involves saving items relating to memorable occasions by arranging them in a book. It usually includes a touch of journaling too, as some people like to write down little notes alongside their memorabilia.
How to get started with scrapbooking for girls
First of all, she has to decide on a theme for her scrapbook. If she doesn't have one, you can help her out. The advantage of having a specific set of stories or events your daughter wants to document is that it will give her a better idea of what to include in her scrapbook. As a beginner, this is a great way to start. We love the idea of focusing a scrapbook on teamwork, friendship, or adventure, but any theme can work.
What you need
You’re going to need a book. 12” x 12” is the most popular option because you can fit a good amount of things into that space, but an 8” x 8” will do for a beginner too. It all depends on the volume of items she plans on fitting into it.
Cardstock is the kind of paper usually contained in these books.
She’ll need decorative paper trimmers or scissors to cut out the adornments (she can create these embellishments from the cardstock), and some glue or sticky tape to attach them to the book. She can also use stickers as an alternative or go wild and combine both!
She’ll need a pen, pencil, or crayons to write down some notes, and of course she’s going to need photos!
Scrapbooking ideas for beginners
Adventure-themed scrapbook
Does she love the wild outdoors? Has she gone on many adventures? Does she enjoy urban adventures in her city? Why not create a scrapbook to document some of those experiences? She can include photos taken during those times or just attach some of the treasures she’s brought back home!
Travel-inspired scrapbook
Holiday-themed scrapbook
A scrapbook filled with holiday memorabilia is also perfect! From new years to Thanksgiving, Christmas and other winter holidays, there are lots of wonderful memories that have been made, and what better way to preserve them than by adding them to your holiday-themed scrapbook?
Does she love the wild outdoors? Has she gone on many adventures? Does she enjoy urban adventures in her city? Why not create a scrapbook to document some of those experiences? She can include photos taken during those times or just attach some of the treasures she’s brought back home!
Travel-inspired scrapbook
If she’s had the opportunity to go on family vacations, documenting her trips by adding photos to a scrapbook and writing down some memorable moments is also a great scrapbook idea for girls.
A scrapbook filled with holiday memorabilia is also perfect! From new years to Thanksgiving, Christmas and other winter holidays, there are lots of wonderful memories that have been made, and what better way to preserve them than by adding them to your holiday-themed scrapbook?
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