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Illustration: Introducing girls to the big picture

How to introduce girls to illustration
Learning illustration is perfect for a girl who loves to draw! It adds oomph to her work by making it have more depth. This way, it’s a brilliant work of art!
Why illustration is good for girls
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and that’s exactly why illustration is a fun way for your daughter to learn how to communicate better. And for younger girls who are yet to learn how to read and write, illustration can be a great medium through which they express themselves.
With illustration, girls will learn the importance of color in their artwork, and how to apply the right ones to convey emotions. They’ll also get to learn about different concepts in drawing like perspective and rendering and others like shading.
What does it mean to illustrate?
When people illustrate, they represent thoughts, ideas and words with pictures. Commercials, magazines, teaching materials, movies and even video games employ the use of them. So not only is it a fun spare-time activity, but it’s also a very useful skill to learn!
How to get started with illustrations for girls
The best way to start her journey with illustrations is to begin drawing. She doesn’t need to have a whole story figured out at first. She can even draw doodles! The point of this activity is to help her get comfortable with the art and learn how to control her hand better.
One thing to note though, she doesn’t have to be perfect at drawing. When she’s first starting out, she may need help finding a style she’s interested in trying (line, cartoon, caricature, etc.). The best way to do this is for her to look at books to see what she’s drawn to and go from there.
What you need to begin illustrating
As a starter, she’ll just require some regular drawing equipment:
- A pencil (a regular pencil to start with)
- An eraser
- A sketch book
- Some crayons or colored pencils
Fun illustration projects for girls
Handprint drawing
This is the perfect project for older girls who’ve already gotten a good grip on their pencils! We love how simple this step-by-step guide is, so girls can easily follow the instructions and get their drawings right.
This handprint drawing is a lovely and simple illustration project for girls. It’s a step up from tracing dotted lines and with projects like this, they’ll learn how to control the muscles in their hand in no time!
Doodle Art We absolutely adore this project because of how much of an interesting take on drawing it is. As she sees an artwork like this, she’ll learn how to color within lines, and the beauty of neatness! For practice, she can use our I Am An Adventurer, Artist & Athlete: A Coloring Book for Girls to give her an idea.
How to draw peopleThis is the perfect project for older girls who’ve already gotten a good grip on their pencils! We love how simple this step-by-step guide is, so girls can easily follow the instructions and get their drawings right.
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