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Architecture: A blueprint for girls

How to introduce girls to architecture
Does your daughter like to build? Is she the biggest fan of legos or building blocks? If you just answered yes to either of those two questions, then architecture is perfect for her!
Why architecture is great for girls
Engaging in architecture is a brilliant and useful way for girls to express their creativity, while improving their ability to reason.
Architecture will increase her awareness of their environment and understanding of spatial arrangements. It’s a delicate art form, and she’ll be able to practice precision, accuracy, critical thinking and problem-solving.
What is architecture?
Architecture is the process of planning out the design and structures of buildings or environments. The beauty of architecture is that it isn’t just about designing properties or establishments. Computer hardware engineers and network designers are also architects!
How to get started with architecture for girls
The easiest way to introduce the concept of architecture to girls is by building a fort! It’s a simple activity and can be easily done at home.
Kids love to scribble. If you happen to find her in the process, ask her to draw the spaces around her, like the living room, her bedroom, the lawn or the front porch. That should give her insight to the drawing aspect of the craft.
Teach your daughter how architects draw things from different views (ex: plan, side view and front view) in design, how to identify and how to draw them. Use simple (preferably rectangular) objects like books to illustrate. Avoid round ones, as they might be too confusing.
What you need
For some outdoor construction work, she’ll need sticks, branches, pebbles and leaves. If she’s old enough to handle some rocks, let her have a go at them too. They'll provide a better structure for her work.
A cardboard box can be useful too for the frame if you’re building houses, and don’t forget a pair of kid’s scissors for cutting pieces out.
Sheets, thin planks of wood and a kid’s saw (to be used under adult supervision, of course) for bigger projects while legos, cardboard and toy building blocks (plastic or wooden) would do great for younger girls. Nails, hammers and glue for fastening while she’ll need pencils, erasers and rulers for the sketching.
Simple architecture projects for girls
Edible Art
This Empire State building is the perfect architectural project for older girls. There’s a full guide inside to help you assemble your building and best of all, you don’t need any tools!
This project is a pretty sweet (get it?) architecture idea for a girl to try out, plus, it’s tasty and inexpensive too! All you need is a pack of marshmallows and a jar of toothpicks. To turn this from a construction project to an architecture project, have her draw out the plans for her creation before starting to build.
Whimsical CityWe love this little town made from paper rolls because it’s an easy idea for little girls. All she needs are empty toilet paper rolls and a few tools to bring this beautiful city to life! For this project too, have her draw her town before she starts building to give her a feel for mapping out plans on paper then making them a reality.
3D Jigsaw PuzzleThis Empire State building is the perfect architectural project for older girls. There’s a full guide inside to help you assemble your building and best of all, you don’t need any tools!
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