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Toddler Affirmations (It's Not Too Early To Start)

Toddler Affirmations (It's Not Too Early To Start)
Girls doing crafts on a lawn
You may have heard of Simone Biles using affirmations before competing, but did you know they work well for toddlers, too?

Early development experts support the use of affirmations when children are very young.
And, with mental health concerns for their children topping¹ the list of parental worries, US parents are looking for ways to support kids' emotional health by adopting positive self-talk, which aligns with affirmations​.

So, how can positive affirmations for kids help your child's emotional development, confidence, and overall well-being? And at what age and how do you start?

We unpack the why and how so you can include a fun routine to help her internalize positive messages. And empower her to become mentally and emotionally strong, just like Simone.

What Are the Benefits of Positive Affirmations for Toddlers?

Introducing positive affirmations for kids will help you raise an emotionally resilient child who will grow to navigate the challenges life throws at them.

This Brain Architecture video
² illustrates how vital positive and nurturing interactions are for toddlers. Imagine a game of tennis; scientists say serve-and-return³ interactions, including affirmations and positive feedback, are essential in building neural connections that support cognitive, social, and emotional development.

Simply put, using affirmations has several benefits.

Neural Pathway Development

Considering your child's rapid brain growth during her early years, understanding that positive experiences help form vital neural pathways doesn't take a giant leap. Therefore, nurturing interactions, like affirmations, strengthen⁴ self-esteem, resilience, and emotional regulation connections.

Boosting Self-Esteem and Confidence

Toddlers' minds are like sponges; they absorb messages from their environment. When you 'serve' regular affirmations to your young child, you will foster a positive mindset and self-confidence; this helps to create positive thoughts about herself and feelings⁵ of self-worth.

Building Emotional Resilience

"When children use positive phrases about themselves, it helps shape and strengthen their own inner voice that will be with them a lifetime," says⁶ Kelly Oriard⁷, co-founder of Slumberkins and licensed family therapist.

You can use affirmations for kids to help your toddler develop⁸ positive beliefs about herself. If you're interested in teaching your toddler to manage emotions and cope with challenges, repeat positive self-talk regularly to provide her with emotional tools as she grows.

Strengthen Your Bond

Did you know that an affirmation routine with your toddler strengthens⁸ your developing relationship with her? Regularly enforcing positive messages will help her feel validated and loved.

Nurturing Emotional Intelligence

When you create an environment where your child can identify and speak positively about her emotions, she may develop a higher emotional intelligence as she grows, leading⁹ her to be more engaged in education, develop well-rounded relationships, and be more empathetic.

Lower Risk of Anxiety

When positive affirmations become embedded in your toddler's routine, they can serve as an antidote10 to negative self-talk and feelings of anxiety later in life.

Positive affirmations can significantly benefit your toddler; learn more about the science behind them.


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What Age Can You Start?

The first three years of your child's life are critical⁴ for brain development, as her neural connections are forming rapidly based on experiences and interactions with her parents.

Does this mean you must introduce positive affirmations when your child is only a few months old?

No, soothing tones and gentle words will work best in the first 24 months.

Age 2-3: You can use short, straightforward affirmations related to immediate actions and feelings, such as "You are kind" or "You are strong."

Age 3-5: Kids this age can understand more complex affirmations, so take a step by using affirmations such as: "I can try again" or "I am capable." These will encourage confidence and emotional regulation.

What Affirmations for Kids Are Most Effective?

Simple, short sentences that relate to toddlers' everyday experiences work best. Positive affirmations are more effective when repeated daily and, if possible, tied to a bedtime, morning, or playtime routine to make them a natural part of her life.
  • For a secure bedtime routine, try these:" 'I am loved," "I am brave," and "I am kind."
  • Two effective affirmations for setting an upbeat tone for the day ahead are "Today is going to be a great day" and "I am ready for new adventures."  
  • When you're reading a book together, and the main character is dealing with something new, pause now and then to say things together like, "I'm brave" or "I can do new things."
  • "I can calm down." or  "It's okay to feel sad." are affirmations you can use when your daughter is not feeling herself.
  • Are you building a growth mindset? Praise her effort instead of outcomes: "I do my best." and "I can keep trying."
  • Reinforce self-worth by saying: "I am important." or  "I am special."

How to Have Fun with Positive Affirmations

Here's how to incorporate simple, positive affirmations during playtime.

Affirmation Hide and Seek

This works the same as normal hide-and-seek, except you hide written or drawn affirmations around the house that your child needs to find. When she does, read them aloud. Keeping her engaged makes affirmations an interactive part of her day.

Happy High Five

When your daughter has tried a new activity or done something to be proud of, simply high-five her and say, "You did great! I am proud of myself!" Pairing positive statements with physical touch will reinforce the affirmation.

Super Hero Affirmations

Stand before the mirror and encourage her to pose as a superhero (stand tall, fly, muscle flex pose). Every time she demonstrates a new pose, she says affirmations like, "I'm strong,"" I'm capable," and "I can stand tall."

Introducing positive affirmations when children are very young can have many positive benefits and help boost self-esteem.


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